School Buildings Can Affect Learning

According to a recent study, the quality of school buildings can either positively or negatively impact learning and teaching. The research found that well-designed buildings and aesthetically pleasing environments can lead to better attendance, concentration, as well as motivation and self-esteem. These factors, in turn, can improve performance. Helen Clark, the author of the study, adds that physical features such as lighting, seating, and equipment can make students feel valued, which can have a significant impact on their behavior and attitudes towards learning. Stimulating environments can also raise the expectations of parents and teachers, acting as a powerful motivator in bringing about positive change.

Ms Clark explains that while physical environments are considered when designing hospitals and prisons, they are often overlooked in schools. She attributes this to a lack of research evidence on the importance of the school environment. Features such as the age of the building, lighting, color, noise, graffiti, cleanliness and pupil density are known to influence learning, and Ms Clark suggests future research should adopt a holistic approach to examine the factors that contribute to student achievement, including the physical environment.

The research suggests that students should have a say in designing and maintaining their school buildings and grounds to ensure they meet their unique needs. The Department for Education and Skills conducted an evaluation of the impact of investment in school buildings on pupil performance in 1999, which found a positive and statistically significant relationship between capital investment and student performance. However, longitudinal research was recommended to account for any long-term effects of these investments.

Although only around 10% of schools have been built in the last 25 years, over 7,000 new schools were built between 1950 and 1970, which are now at or past the end of their life span. The Office for Standards in Education, Children’s Services and Skills 1999/2000 annual report also found that over a quarter of secondary schools inspected had inadequate accommodation, which adversely affected the quality of teaching. In response to this, education secretary David Blunkett said in 1997 that improving the quality of school buildings is essential in raising achievement.

Ms Clark’s study is an updated version of an internal literature review into school building research carried out by the Institute of Education in 1999. Copies of Building Education can be obtained from the Institute of Education Bookshop.


  • joshwright

    Josh Wright is a 34-year-old educational blogger and school teacher who has been working in the field for over a decade. He has written extensively on a variety of educational topics, and is passionate about helping others achieve their educational goals.

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